You talk a lot about patients helping themselves. Do you actually treat people, too?

Absolutely yes. I just believe that focusing on in-office treatment without also giving patients the tools to reduce their own pain is putting the cart before the horse.

Think about it. You’re at home or at work, and your back starts to hurt. Chances are, your next appointment is a ways away. Do you want to have to wait until then to feel better? Or do you want to know what to do right now to decrease your pain?

Even more, how about knowing how to change what you are doing so you don’t start to hurt in the first place?

Being able to help yourself is empowering and improves your mental health. It also makes in-office treatment benefits last longer and sets you up for long-term success.

My goal is to get you to where you don’t need me anymore. That may take some in-office treatments at first, but in the long run, the better you get to know your back, the less help you will need.

Do you bill insurance?

No I do not. Chiropractic insurance reimbursements are based on much shorter visits and a focus on spinal manipulation. My services do not follow this model. Not billing insurance also lowers my administrative costs, a savings which I can then pass on to you. I am happy to provide you with an itemized receipt (superbill) to submit to your insurance company, so you can take advantage of your out-of-network benefit.